Friday, February 9, 2007

Megan the Caterpillar

So we found a caterpillar today. "A" immediately had to name it Megan. I think the poor thing must have been knocked out a few times. The kids would drop it and we would think it was dead for about 3-4 minutes. It wouldn't move. And then all of a sudden it would slowly come out of it. So I guess I can't report that no animals or living things weren't harmed during this shoot.

It's amazing how tight your focus has to be in macro. I would think that my focus was on the bug (which it was) but the body would be in focus and not the face. The thing was only about an inch and a half long. I guess my aperature shouldn't have been at f/1.4. It was good to play with it though. So we did put Megan by a tree after hoping she would find a home.

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